The scorching heat of summer is finally over, and autumn is finally here. However, there are also forecasts that there will be days in October with temperatures exceeding 30°C, so it looks like it will be a while before autumn really arrives. Autumn is a time of harvest, appetite, reading, sports, outings, and many other words to describe this season as the weather transitions to more comfortable conditions. In terms of skin care, autumn can be considered a preparation period to get your skin in good condition after the summer fatigue, before the harsh winter arrives. This time, I would like to talk about "autumn skin care."
Skin condition in October
Looking at the trends in average temperature and humidity in Tokyo in 2023, we can see that both temperature and humidity dropped sharply in October.

■Average temperature: September, 26.7℃ → October, 18.9℃ ■Average humidity: September, 80% → October, 67%
Large changes in temperature can cause poor skin metabolism through "temperature difference stress," and a drop in humidity can lead to dryness, which is the skin's greatest enemy. Although October's weather is comfortable for the skin, a sudden drop in temperature and humidity can have a negative effect on maintaining good skin condition.
Temperatures are expected to remain high in the first half of October this year, and due to the influence of typhoons, there will likely be heavy rainfall and some days with high humidity, so it looks like we may continue to experience tired skin from the summer.
In preparation for the coming dry season, it is first necessary to strengthen moisturizing to keep the skin in good condition. In preparation for the full-scale dry season, we recommend using beauty serums with anti-aging properties that focus on skin firmness and elasticity.
Effects and efficacy of cosmetics as skin food
Cosmetics are described as food for the skin, in the sense that they provide beauty ingredients to the skin from the outside and deliver various effects and benefits to the inside of the skin (down to each layer) through percutaneous absorption. Here we will summarize some representative cosmetic ingredients that can be considered as the nutrients we want to give to the skin.
Moisturizing ingredients <br>Collagen and elastin that make up skin cells, as well as the natural moisturizing factors (NMF) that keep the skin hydrated, are naturally produced within the body, and if they are kept healthy, there may be no need to supplement them from the outside with cosmetics. Unfortunately, as we age, the amount of these ingredients produced in the body decreases, which makes it important to supplement them from the outside with cosmetic ingredients. Also, during dry seasons, supplementing the skin's surface with moisturizing ingredients can help treat problems caused by dryness. Typical ingredients include hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid, ceramide, amino acids, and plant extracts.
Firmness and Luster Ingredients <br>Moisturizing ingredients have the effect of giving the skin firmness and elasticity through their moisturizing effects, so in order to obtain the firmness and luster benefits of cosmetics, it is useful to combine moisturizing care using moisturizing ingredients with skin care. Typical ingredients include retinol, niacinamide, peptides, and various plant extracts that are expected to have firmness and luster effects.
Recommended beauty ingredients for autumn <br>In the fruitful season of autumn, it is also recommended to consume foods rich in antioxidants, which are recommended for autumn.
[Vitamin C, carotenoids] Green and yellow vegetables, citrus fruits, etc. [Vitamin E] Olive oil, nuts and seeds (almonds, nuts)
[Polyphenols] Apples, red wine, etc. [Minerals] Seaweed, oily fish (mackerel, saury, sardines, etc.)
Let's have a fruitful autumn by focusing on the four major elements of beauty (cosmetics + food + moderate exercise + quality sleep)!
Simply put, "anti-aging" means suppressing aging. Aging means "growing older" or "getting older," while anti means "resistance." Note that under Japan's Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act, the term "anti-aging" cannot be used as an efficacy or efficacy of cosmetics. Instead, the term "aging care" is used, with the additional annotation "care for firmness and luster according to age." The reason behind this seems to be that the term "anti-aging" has a broad meaning and could be mistaken for a medical efficacy or efficacy.
By understanding the causes of skin aging, is it possible to slow down the aging process?
Although it varies from person to person, skin metabolism begins to decline from around the age of 20. As we get older, this decline progresses, and generally, after the age of 40, so-called "aging" begins not only in the skin but in the entire body. The direct meaning of anti-aging is to suppress "aging," but modern society is full of factors that promote aging, so it is important to understand these factors and live a lifestyle that aims to slow down the rate of aging to some extent.
■Physiological aging and agingUnless a "rejuvenating drug" is invented, it is impossible to suppress the aging that occurs with physiological aging. On the other hand, if we understand the factors that promote aging and take care of them, it may be possible to slow down the speed of aging.
■ Photoaging caused by UV rays After birth, we will continue to be exposed to UV rays for the rest of our lives. It is known that UV rays accelerate skin aging such as wrinkles and sagging, which is known as photoaging. It is not widely known that UV protection = anti-aging. In addition to worrying about sunburn itself and sun spots, we should reaffirm the importance of taking UV care all year round.
■ Continuing dryness due to air conditioning Air conditioning at home, work, and in the car has become commonplace in both summer and winter. Since air-conditioned environments tend to be drier, we are living in conditions that are even drier than the air around us. Dryness is also a factor in accelerating skin aging, so in air-conditioned environments, strengthening moisturizing care is essential.
■ Stress Every day we are bombarded with a wide variety of stresses that cannot be explained in one word. Stress not only affects beauty, but also health, as it can trigger skin troubles and illnesses. It can also be a factor in promoting skin aging.
It is important to find ways to relieve stress in your daily life. Switching between on and off, having a hobby you can immerse yourself in, incorporating moderate exercise habits, leading a regular life, eating well-balanced meals, and finding ways to get good quality sleep - all of these things require awareness and practice in order to be beautiful and healthy. Even if it's just something you can do, it's fine to start by reviewing your awareness and lifestyle habits little by little. This will help you stay healthy and youthful even as you age.
We've got some skin care tips for the fall!